I should learn to do it. And on the contrary, when you already have certain specific skills or interests, you can think about defining related objectives. Great professionals are great finishers . During one day I asked the director of @INGDIRECTes , @AlmudenaRomanD , about the characteristics they valued most in candidates who wanted to be part of the company. She responded “we value professionals with the ability to finish things they start.” A hospitality businessman also said “I don’t hire waiters. I hire people who smile and then I teach them how to make the tables.” Professionals are chosen for what they know how to do but also for how they do it.
For Enrique Dan's
Professor at the Business Institute (IE), successful people have this profile: 25% knowledge and skills, 25% personality and 50% relationship and networking capacity. How do you look? Initiative is more important than knowledge, it is not about knowing but knowing what to do to know. Apply the Crypto Email List rule “I don’t know more than you, I just read the instructions.” Don’t apply adjectives, focus on behaviors. The evaluations that label professionals do not help them understand their talent or plan their development. If you want to progress and find your professional space, focus on specific behaviors and skills and stop describing yourself and others.
While adjectives only judge
Skills guide. The German general Kurt von Hammerstein-Equord classified his subordinates into four groups in the 1930s: intelligent, hard-working, stupid and lazy . Thus, Command would be for the intelligent and hard-working and routine jobs should be assigned to the stupid and lazy. Who EE Leads are the majority in the armies. On the other hand, the smart and lazy ones had to take care of the leadership. While the stupid and hard-working military men should not be trusted. With any responsibility so that they would not cause problems.
I received this query in a message via Linkedin: I have taken a PAPI test (Personality and Preference Inventory) and it tells me that I have to improve sociability since friendliness is 2 out of 9 but emotional containment is.