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Social communication in times of crisis

The upheaval that has hit every economic activity (and everyone) in the last 2 months requires reflections on marketing strategy and! in general! on business.

One of the first thoughts in a phase of deep economic crisis necessarily goes to the management of expenses: what is truly indispensable for the success of an online business? And again:How to reconfigure all the communication and marketing activities that until a few months ago were almost a given?

Speaking of communication strategy! what is best to do? How to change! for example! your Social Media Marketing strategy in the face of tense and difficult to interpret periods like these? To address or not to address issues related to the pandemic! covid-19! limitations of personal freedom or any problem related to the ongoing crisis (whatever it is)?

Let’s see some good practices to draw inspiration from…

How to set up your communication during times of crisis

 Start from your core messages

First of all! this crisis has seen an exponential band database increase in the use of Social Networks by users: this hype must be ridden in some way! but always in a virtuous manner and consistent with the typical messages of the brand.

It is an opportunity not so much to push new collections or products (potential buyers are unsure or cannot use services! see the Swedish case! despite the mild lockdown )! but to talk about values! history! concepts underlying the production of products and services! and sustainability .

In short! “communication for communication’s sake”! in a pure brand awareness key.

 Promotional leverage in a period of great attention to expenses

In any case! if you sell a product online you can still try to launch promotions to support sales. A GlobalWebIndex survey found that over 75% of users greatly appreciated the launch of special offers to support consumption: perhaps an almost obvious data by feeling! but it is a high percentage that could therefore be more convinced to choose your offer! despite the period of uncertainty.

In general! especially loyalty actions towards pre-existing customers are a great opportunity to make people feel a minimum of “closeness” (however commercial)! at least useful to be able to save in a financially and psychologically difficult moment.

 The social value of a company’s initiatives

Not just sales! though. The social aspect how to add multiple links on instagram bio that a company (that has funds to invest) can take care of is always crucial:

  • policies towards employee protection;
  • even strong discounts in favor of consumers;
  • strong emphasis on choosing local suppliers;
  • in general! any impact towards the “local” is appreciated (think of possible fundraisers or contributions to the community! both financially and in terms of contributions of products! food! etc.).

Actions of this kind always remain positive actions! which can and must underline the fact that behind every brand there are people in solidarity! 

In general! on the business side it would make a lot of sense to completely rethink your processes! your decisions: in an environmental esperanto leads sense! in terms of relationships with the people who make the company successful! be they collaborators! suppliers! customers. In a catchy phrase! but one I believe in a lot: make sure that this experience is not forgotten and can be a real lesson that overturns the paradigms of action and thought ! even when it’s all over.

Even a company can decide to revolutionize itself and communication on social media is the very first channel in which to begin to demonstrate it (I don’t say “tell it”! I deliberately say “demonstrate it”).

Empathy and sensitivity are therefore two key factors! but they must not be “just a facade”! but necessarily supported by tangible actions and forcefully communicated.

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