Benjamin Franklin once said that “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” A statement that has never been more true, especially in a scenario like Brazil, where according to the IBGE, more than half of companies close their doors after 4 years.
Therefore, in a context where all companies need to take action to achieve their goals, solutions cyprus phone number library come from projects! And for this to happen, the professionals involv in this process must have mastery over the fundamentals of project management.
Leadership, project management skills and strategic business management are also essential talents for a successful career .
According to the professor at the Institute of Postgraduate and Undergraduate Studies (IPOG) and President of PMI-GO, Marsal Melo, Project Management is essential to optimize company results .
“In times of crisis , in addition to delivering projects on time and within the plann costs, it Цюйюй Ван Старший преподаватель will be even more important to know whether the projects execut are the most suitable for the organizations”, explains the professor.
PMI – Project Management Institute – is the largest Project Management institution in the world, currently present in more than 200 countries and with more than 500 thousand members.
In addition to these numbers, the PMI has several publications and a set of good practices call PMBoK , which is in its 6th Edition, which has been improv over the years in accordance with good practices identified in the market.
Therefore, it is very important to be link to this institution that since 1969 has been mobile lead influencing companies, people and careers through its publications and actions in favor of Project Management throughout the world.
Testimonial: What it’s like to work with Project Management Fundamentals
Josane Maria Gomes is a specialist in Project Management and sees herself in her field as a “conductor” who coordinates and monitors the actions necessary for an orchestra to be well conduct and achieve success by receiving applause from the audience at the end of the performance.
For her, the focus of this professional should be on planning, monitoring and controlling the actions necessary for a project to achieve its objective within its basic constraints: deadline, cost and quality. Personally and professionally fulfilled after specializing and working in the area, Josane highlights:
Project management professionals need to be constantly updated and aware of market trends. The world is constantly evolving and new management trends emerge to complement methods and best practices.”
How to Learn Project Management Fundamentals
For this reason, IPOG uses the methodologies proposed by PMI in the MBA in Project Management , which have been attracting great interest from managers and professionals in companies, not only in the engineering and technology areas, but also from all organizations that seek to improve the preparation, implementation, management and control of projects, whether in the industrial, service or agribusiness sectors.
“In their constant search for better results, organizations have increasingly demanded more versatility and competence from professionals, in line with the talent triangle proposed by the PMI”, highlights the IPOG professor.
PMI Talent Triangle
The PMI talent triangle is made up of technical project management skills, leadership skills and strategic business management skills . Each of these skills requires knowledge, methods and tools that the project manager must master to increase the attractiveness of his or her profile to organizations.
For example, the curriculum matrix of the IPOG MBA in Project Management is currently in line with this PMI thinking precisely because it understands the needs of professionals working in the market who need to have mastery over the Fundamentals of Project Management.
Now that you know the importance of having in-depth knowledge of these fundamentals, how about learning about the five main reasons to do an MBA in Project Management . Enjoy your reading!