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How much does email marketing cost? Examples and prices 2025

The cost of email marketing is characterized. By adapting to the size and resources of .each company. In this guide, you can find. Out how much email marketing campaigns. Cost based on your mailings or subscribers. With five of the main platforms on the market .

Email is the channel that gives you the. Most value for your investments in attracting. And retaining customers in digital marketing: it has an average return on investment. Of $36 for every $1 invested *, which exceeds that. Of other channels such as seo and social media.

In addition to looking for the best tools. You can use the metrics provided by email. Marketing platforms to obtain better results. For example, seeing the links with the most clicks. The time with the highest opening rate, conversion rate, etc. Helps to know the strategy for future email campaigns.

Most tools are free to use or have a free trial, and their chinese overseas british database budgets grow as your subscriber list (i.e. your database) or your number of emails increases. Therefore, the efficiency of email marketing tools has to do, in part, with the flexibility of their pricing and scalability. That is, because their price only increases as your company or project grows, adapting to companies of very different sizes.

*Source: Litmus.com

How much does email marketing cost depends on your subscribers and sendings

There are two main pricing models for setting prices for plans or services in this communication channel: one based on the number of registered email accounts and another based on the number of emails sent.

Email marketing tools are SaaS ( software as a service ) platforms that are used with a user account in the cloud. These tools bill on a monthly or annual subscription basis and offer free or paid plans with different levels of functionality for the eric middleton ceo and managing partner email marketing campaigns you want to create.

Therefore, your email marketing costs (i.e. the price of the available plans) are modulated based on one of the following factors:

Subscriber list size : criteria used by Mailchimp* and ActiveCampaign.

  • Volume of emails sent per month : criterion used by Brevo and Mailjet.
  • mixed model : criteria used by Sendgrid.

*Mailchimp currently also enforces a limit of 1000 emails sent per month on their free plan, as seen here .

Below we analyze five examples of common situations in an email marketing strategy . This way, you will have enough information to b2b phone list choose the best option for you.

In each of these examples, you’ll see what the cost would be using five of the leading email marketing platforms on the market: Brevo, Mailchimp , Mailjet, ActiveCampaign, and Sendgrid. 

When making all comparisons, the following aspects have been taken into account.


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