As the years go by, programmatic advertising. On wearables and TV is evolving, as is online radio. How does therefore, it is of utmost importance that you know what the latest advances and innovations are so that you can incorporate them into your strategy. Traditional advertising has lost strength with the arrival of digital platforms. This may be because costs are usually lower, which represents savings for companies and brands. For this reason, many opt for this advertising model. However, there are people who want to stay in conventional media, and at the same time join digital media. If you are part of that group, you will like to learn more about programmatic advertising on wearables and TV , which you can also apply to online radio and podcasts.
News of programmatic advertising
They are electronic devices that consumers usually top industry data have with them. They can range from smart watches to connected sports shoes. And this has made wearables begin to be part of the programmatic advertising environment. Given this development, advertising companies have dedicated themselves to exploiting its potential. Because they realized that these devices generate a large amount of data about the user, which serves to fuel this type of campaigns . Keep in mind that it allows you to optimize marketing campaigns achieving significant precision. In fact, a study by ABI Research indicated that this industry is expected to increase annually between. It must be remembered that the Internet of Things and connected devices are increasingly popular and used by consumers. Therefore, it is important to have advertising space on these devices.
Programmatic advertising on wearables
There is no doubt that wearables are an ideal programmatic EE Leads advertising placement for advertisers. But to understand it better you have to know the reasons why it is considered this way: The digital interfaces of smart watches, such as Apple , Fitbit or Garmin, give you the ability to offer digital content and ads in a variety of formats. The sensors integrated into these devices have the ability to capture indicators of emotions, such as heart rate. This helps you offer great possibilities to personalize advertising. You can also collect a lot of data about location, health status and lifestyle. It can be an effective way to reach the segment of people between. It should be noted that this target makes up of the market.