You may have read other articles or guides on link building where they tell you about different actions you can take to get links from third parties and improve the position of a given URL in Google results. In this article I talk about link building strategies, but from a different perspective: because having the exclusive objective of getting the “follow” link is not the same as adding that extra brand recognition.
Throughout this post you will learn
The importance of the Authority croatia phone number data and the entities Why link building for SEO Branding has a different and very important nuance to take into account in order not to develop a bad campaign.
7 steps to design a link
Building strategy and gain authority. A success story of a very well-executed link building strategy. Publisuites, your perfect types of marketing campaigns partner to carry Example so that you out your branding campaign If you want to work on your positioning, increase your authority and brand recognition, join me.
Link building and
Authority Link building is the process you carry out to get other websites to link to yours. Something that at first seems so simple, in reality is a very complicated task, because honestly, in general we are stingy when it comes to linking.
To understand the origin
And importance of link building, we czb directory Example so that you have to go back to the origins of Google. I am not going to go into this topic in depth, but I leave you with this video about pagerank and metrics to measure authority that explains the story very well.
I will briefly summarize
That the quality and quantity of links that a website receives is a decisive factor in increasing its authority. And the greater the authority, the more likely it is to appear in the top positions of Google results. For example: Ceramicaartesanal com receives 80 links of medium.