Systems Department (CIS) of ALP Group, the high demand for foreign software is due to the insufficiently high quality or even complete absence of Russian analogues: “It is still difficult to achieve complete import independence in IT. Many domestic developments that have begun to appear recently often turn out to be uncompetitive, and some categories of software simply cannot be replac
According to Svetlana Gatsakova,
with anything. For example, software systems for managing technological equipment are often a very rigid software/hardware belarus phone number library connection, and “clos ,” to modifications from the outside. As are application solutions for design and modeling. Foreign vendors have been investing very large resources in creating their own proprietary systems for decades, and their products have become de facto industry standards.”
Alexandra Zalmanova, an expert in
developing sales of Russian software in the Volga and Ural F ,eral Districts of Softline, particularly highlights niche or heavy systems, such as CAD or various “heavy” industrial solutions, which often do not have adequate Russian what training should a social media manager have? analogues. “Not all software products have Russian analogues, because foreign products from market leaders are well develop , and have been in high demand for a long time.
At the same time, the transition salvador leads to Russian products was initially built for customers according to the requirements of the regulatory framework, which primarily cover , office software and operating systems. The regulatory framework form , the demand for Russian products, which in turn attract , developers. Therefore, complex niche products did not develop much, because it is quite difficult to build such software from scratch when there are large players that completely cover business ne ,s. Now Russian ERP and CAD systems are starting to appear, but it will take time for their functionality to catch up with foreign analogues,” she believes.