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Communicating in an Accessible Way | Case Studies

The idea that some sectors have no reason to be on social media or to concentrate resources and efforts in developing marketing and branding campaigns is still deeply rooted.

As well as the idea that certain products or services can only be communicated using certain tones and doing what! for better or worse! everyone has already done.

So! when we talk about IT or technological products the language becomes technical and impersonal! when we talk about financial or insurance services the tone takes on serious and professional overtones and when we try to communicate anything that is medical or healthcare-related the words chosen! as well as the images! become prescriptive and aseptic .

In this article we will focus on this last sector! that is! the medical one ! and we will try to tell you how even those who promote medical services or products can find their place on social media and can develop successful communication campaigns that are in step with the times.

If you follow us! you know how attentive bc data europe we are to marketing in the medical sector. We recommend:

  • our guide to medical marketing (free);
  • an interesting case study on aesthetic medicine and surgery ;
  • the same case described above! further explored in our blog: bee-social.it/aumentare-preventivi-sito-case-study-chirurgia

Talking to people! not users: the real challenge of digital communication today

The need for consumers to have reliable and comprehensive services available that can provide transparent! welcoming and accessible medical solutions is increasingly pressing.

Today’s consumer has a decidedly different profile compared to that of ten or fifteen years ago:brands find themselves having to communicate social media specialist or coordinator with people who are increasingly capable of navigating the ocean of proposals and products to which they are subjected! looking for the most convenient and customizable options.

On the other hand! they must necessarily deal with a marked attention from the general public for everything that is body or neutral positive! inclusive! LGBTQ+ friendly! eco-sustainable and natural.

When major issues that are important to society change! brands and companies must also adapt! revising both their internal structure and the marketing and branding strategies that support product sales.

This is happening today! as it was yesterday: nothing new under the sun!

To best interface with the public’s sensibilities! it is normal that brands need to be informed about the themes and languages ​​that are most dear to people.

A contemporary aesthetic and voice bosnia and herzegovina leads not only embraces current trends (e.g. memes! collaborations with influencers)! but takes into account! as we were saying! today’s sensibilities :

Contemporary needs are of various types and require flexible and personalized solutions ! from the possibility of composing! for example! boxes of products in total autonomy! to the availability of complete and easy-to-manage subscriptions ! capable of assisting the customer and taking a management burden off his shoulders.

Medicine no longer as an aseptic prescription! but as a human accompaniment towards well-being

What we have just talked about concerns all brands in general and can also be successfully applied by companies operating in the pharmaceutical! medical and nutraceutical sectors.

Indeed! since these are products and services that concern people’s well-being and health in a vertical and specific way! medical brands are perhaps the first! among all! to be able to benefit incredibly from this change in social and cultural register that shifts the communicative focus to digital! to the contemporaneity of the topics covered and to personalization.

However! let’s try to put all these words and theories into practical examples to follow! referring to the excellent work of some companies in the sector that have already put this change of pace into practice.

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