What brand perception is and how to analyze it within a company

More than offering the lowest price or the highest quality service, you must have the trust of your audience. Brand perception represents a thermometer for companies, which can understand how their audiences really see the work they are doing. Beyond offering the best price or the highest quality service, you must have the trust of your audience. Brand perception serves as a thermometer for companies to understand how their audiences really see the work they are doing .

Why is this relevant for a company

The first point is the trust that your audience has in you. When your audience’s brand perception is negative, who will believe what you have to offer? Therefore, worrying about this problem is one way to ensure that your reputation is favorable. From that moment on, sales and conversion executive email list opportunities will increase considerably. Now, why is it so important to care about ? We’ve listed some of the reasons why you should start paying attention to what people think about your business and how it impacts your marketing strategies.

What is brand perception and how does it work

User experience is increasingly valued by companies. After all. The competition is more prepared than ever and more than a sale needs to be made for long-awaited loyalty. Does your business, in fact. Offer a satisfactory shopping journey to your target audience? Most companies believe it. But the IG Users reality is different. According to a study by Bain and Company , 80% of brands believe they are offering a “superior experience” to their customers. However, consumers interviewed indicated that only 8% actually deliver a differentiated value offering .

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