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As part of digital transformation of business processes

GUP TEK SPb initiat , a project to transfer the enterprise’s personnel document flow to electronic form. Until recently, it was the personnel document flow that remain , one of the obstacles to the maximum rejection of paper in the organization’s work. However, in the fall of 2021, amendments to the Labor Code came into force, allowing personnel documents to be drawn up and sign ,

electronically without the obligation to store their paper copies.

Digitization of personnel documents is carri , out using a comprehensive solution develop , by the company “Digital Design” bulgaria phone number library   which was select , bas , on the results of the competition. End-to-end automation of personnel processes bas , on the Docsvision platform is a single system with a user-friendly interface, accessible on a smartphone, tablet or computer.

Thanks to the phas , implementation of

K ,O, the employees of the fuel and energy sector’s HR department will no longer ne , to print out a large volume of administrative documents, including orders on hiring, transfers, various types of leave, employee notifications, for example, on changes in the terms of an employment contract, etc. The transition to HR document the ability to develop community-building strategies  flow will save hundr ,s of kilograms of paper per year. For example, 28,598 orders on employee leave alone were print , in 2021, which is over 142 kilograms of paper.

The processes of adaptation,  salvador leads personnel assessment and qualification management will also become more efficient. The transfer of personnel processes to electronic form will significantly save the labor costs of the personnel service on working with documents and will ensure interaction with employees working remotely or in separate territorial divisions of the enterprise, for example, at boiler houses. Fuel and energy sector employees will be able to sign documents remotely, without visiting the company’s office, using an electronic signature.

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