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The Boston Matrix in Marketing

The business world is constantly evolving! and companies are constantly faced with unique challenges and opportunities. To address these dynamics! it is essential for companies to adopt strategic marketing tools that can guide them in understanding their market positioning and in defining a winning strategy. In this context! the Boston Matrix emerges as a crucial tool in the field of marketing.

What is the Boston Matrix?

The Boston Matrix! also known as the BCG Matrix (after the consulting firm that developed it! the Boston Consulting Group )! is an paytm database analytical tool designed to help companies evaluate and manage their product or service portfolio.

This matrix divides the portfolio into four categories based on two key dimensions: market share and market growth rate .

The four categories of the Boston Matrix:

The Boston Matrix is ​​a graphical model selling on social media with pinterest that involves placing companies! their products or services within a Cartesian plane based on their relative market share and growth rate.

Assuming that we want to evaluate a company as a whole! we can proceed by inserting the size of the companies in relation to the reference market on the x-axis ; on the left we will have the companies that occupy small market spaces lack data (for example close to 0%) and on the right those that occupy increasingly larger spaces.

On the ordinate axis we will indicate the growth rate of the companies! therefore we will have at the bottom the companies that are growing less

By placing companies within our reference system we will be able to have a more immediate vision of the activities that the company must undertake.

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