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How many users saw my offer?

Unaware audiences are made of people who have never heard of your product or brand before. You can reach these audiences on Facebook by using interest targeting or through lookalikes audiences.

Engaging unaware audiences

Unaware audiences are almost always the challenging audience to convert into a customer through ads. Why? Because the people in these audiences likely don’t know malaysia phone number data1 anything about your product or brand.

So they are LESS likely to trust the offers in your ads until you warm them up/take them down the path to full awareness.

How do you earn trust with unaware audiences?

Offer them a low commitment, zero friction opportunity to engage with your ad. You can use stories, quotes, videos, or even ask questions in your ads to send a monthly newsletter to all your subscribers inspire these people to engage with your ad.

Data Driven – Facebook Ads audience segements

Engaging aware audiences

Getting aware audiences to take action on your ads is much easier than unaware segments.

Why? Because aware audiences are familiar with you! This includes people who have visited your website or engaged with one of your ads previously. These people are much more likely to respond to your higher-risk offers, like limited-time esperanto leads deals, webinars, free consultations, and other offers that require time and/or money commitment.

Your audiences’ awareness state, more than anything else, should guide how you position your ad creative.

Data Driven – Facebook Ads audience segements

Inspire your ad creative
Now, I don’t know about you, but I am not much for staring at a blank slate and waiting for inspiration.


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