Another form of earnings! as we were saying! are the advertisements played on the channels of the partners. You can set the duration and frequency of the advertisements displayed during the broadcasts (mid-roll).
Paying to viewers on Twitch
Even viewers can get a form of reward. With the Refereum Twitch ! a cryptocurrency that can be used on the platform! even viewers can be paid. The viewer can receive a reward for watching specific content. The accumulated amount can then be spent on purchasing video games.
If you are eligible to receive drops (in-game loot) by linking your Twitch account to your game account! you will be able to receive loot while broadcasting. Drops are customizable by the developer! so each Drops schedule is different! based on the type of game. The developer decides the item! how often the Drops occur! and how many channels they are available on.
Most Popular Influencers on Twitch
- According to Twitch statistics in Italy (source Twitchmetrics ) in December 2020! the most viewed Twitch streamer is Zano XVII . Cristiano Spadaccini ! known on Twitch as Zano! is from Rome! is 24 years old and is vnpay database naturally passionate about video games.
He currently plays Fifa 2021 and Among US on Twitch ! and is highly appreciated for his reactions.
- Fedez! who has recently become active on Twitch and is in second place in the rankings! is a newcomer . With his account ( Zedef )! he addresses Generation Z and offers food for thought! showing off their favorite video games and hosting well-known figures to talk about current events.
It is precisely through his community on Twitch that he managed to organize a fundraiser and collect €5!000 in live streaming! to donate to the categories of workers most affected during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The initiative to deliver the money! later taken up via social networks! has sparked quite a few controversies about whether or not to do the ability to develop content strategies charity work anonymously! without fanfare.
- In third place in the ranking is Charles Leclerc ! Formula 1 champion who! faithful to engines! enjoys himself on the virtual circuit on Twitch.
“Twitch Marketing”
For brands targeting Gen Z or Millennials ! Twitch represents a great opportunity. “ Twitch marketing ”! especially in Italy! is still in its infancy.
American fast food chain Wendy’s launched a Twitch channel in 2020. The brand goes live at least once a month playing Fortnite! Minecraft! Animal Crossing! and Fall Guys ; viewers also have the opportunity to chat directly with the cuba leads Wendy’s brand during the live broadcasts!
In December! the American fast food chain teamed up with Tfue ! a streamer and gamer with nearly 10 million followers! and together they played Fortnite on the platform.