Do you know the secret that allows airplane pilots to make precise landings even without the minimum visibility require? They are guide in other ways, receiving instructions from air traffic operators and devices that precisely calculate the aircraft’s performance. Thus, a pilot can perform this complex maneuver without relying ecuador phone number library on visual assistance. This analogy can be applie to the business environment when we talk about Business Intelligence (BI), or – as it is known in Brazil – Market Intelligence.
It is perfectly possible to run a company, working with the fluctuations in the economic scenario and the presence of competitors, as long as you have important information and competent leaders who can transform it into relevant guidance mechanisms.
Thinking Strategically
Market Intelligence focuses on collecting information through the creation of a database, which describes the Микала habits, behavior , expectations and pain points of the target audience and prospects, who are those we hope will become customers.
In addition to drawing a map of your target audience, you also need to know the details of your competitors’ activities . Understand what they suggest to solve the same problems that you intend to solve, follow their strategies , without underestimating them, but focusing mobile lead on learning from those who also dedicate themselves to the same activity as you.
And to complete the essential information for running your business, uncover your stakeholders, a group form by your suppliers, partners, government and regulatory agencies, unions, that is, the group of people who are directly linked to your work , so that you can establish healthy and more productive relationships with these people. After all, if everyone is satisfi, the result tends to be even more satisfactory.
How to implement Business Intelligence in my company?
The professional qualifi to strategically work with the information collected is from the marketing area . Their training focus on attracting audiences, positioning, branding and other aspects that contribute. Building the company’s image in society. Enables them to obtain better results from the data collected.
From the moment he starts to feed this database, which can be acquired through software designe specifically for this purpose. The marketing professional begins to hold in his hands important data to share with the company’s sales department.
Thus, marketing identifies a lead (a prospect who provides information such as an email or phone number) and thus allows a process of contact to be initiat. Aiming at the interaction and conversion of this lead into an actual customer of the company. All contact is made by marketing. With various strategies such as Inbound Marketing , for example. When it is confirm that the prospect has become a qualifi lead , by responding to the contact process, this contact is shar with the sales department so that it can present the products and services offer by the company.
How to work with information?
By adopting a database , the company will be able to collect data about its customers. Each company profile will define which information is most important to collect. In general, it is necessary to know how often the customer makes purchases, what they usually buy. What their profile is as a buyer, their final activity, and whether they are satisfi with the product or service provid. This is all important information to be record.
Often, improvements to what we are doing come from suggestions from those who are using our services. Paying attention to what the public thinks will help you chart the evolution of your company, correcting important issues and improving every day.
By knowing your customer’s consumption flow, you can offer them advantages when purchasing what they always buy, thus building loyalty. If you know the nature of the application of what they usually buy, you can offer complementary products that will help them achieve better performance.
In other words, each piece of data collect will help you outline a strategy to positively impact your customer. It is important that the information record is clear, accurate and use at the right time. Always seeking to update the information database. Only then will the leader have important data at hand for the most assertive decision-making possible.
About the author:
Alexandre Souza is an IPOG MBA professor. Mentor at SEBRAE, businessman with over 15 years leading successful teams. Elected by Venda Mais Magazine as one of the best management and sales. Trainers in Brazil; and creator of the MMA in Sales training.