The objectives of a marketing campaign, in addition to being measurable, must have a timetable for implementation.
This timetable must include the planned. Marketing actions, classified according. To the channel: when the ads are published. When the campaign emails are sent. When the events are organised, etc.
The most important events in the. Marketing campaign calendar are called milestones .
For example, a launch event, the launch of the website or the sending of the first newsletter are typical milestones. They serve as a reference point for measuring the campaign goals.
For example, how many people started following your company on Instagram after creating the account? And after a notable event?
The types of marketing campaigns are defined by two main factors: their objectives and the channels used to carry them out, which chinese overseas british database can be both virtual and physical.
Therefore, when planning a marketing campaign, you should not select just one type from the following classification, but combine several. For example, you can organize a product launch campaign with email and social media marketing actions.
Brand development campaign
Also known as a branding campaign, its main objective is to position a brand’s identity in the mind of the target audience. If this marketing campaign is successful, your potential customers will be clear about what differentiates you from your competitors and will establish an emotional bond with your brand. Branding is used to launch new brands, but also to reinforce the positioning of brands that have been established for years.
The foundation of a branding campaign is the eric middleton ceo and managing partner name and logo, along with other elements such as color, typography, a slogan, packaging… The message must permeate all of the brand’s interactions with the public.
For example, Dove , aware that beauty can be a source of anxiety for some people, has carried out a marketing campaign to link its brand to the notion of self-esteem.
Its slogan “For real beauty” is found on many of the brand’s media and even the packaging imitates the shape of different human bodies.
Product launch or promotion campaign
These marketing campaigns focus on a specific product or range of products. The aim is to promote its features and advantages. When it comes to be numbers a new item, we will talk about a product launch.
Some common actions that are part of this type of campaign are limited-time discounts and influencer marketing campaigns. In product launch or promotion campaigns, audience segmentation is particularly important.
Rebranding campaign
Brands are not static because the market in which they operate is not either. A rebranding campaign involves a change in the positioning of a brand that is already known to the audience. Rebranding usually involves the redesign of visual elements of the brand such as the logo and typography.