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3 Trends driving social media manager salary expectations

The amount of money job seekers expect when looking for a new role has increased 43% from first-quarter 2021 to first-quarter 2022. Today, job seekers are expecting to make 34% (or $9,253) more than their current salary.

That number was closer to $7,000 before the pandemic

so there’s still some work to be done to close the gap. But, if this steep growth is an indication of anything, it’s that those working in the business and technology sectors may be recouping those losses faster than expected.

Social media roles are becoming more specialized
How many people does it nepal phone number data` take to manage a strategic presence across multiple social networks?

In today’s social landscape quite a few

A screenshot of a LinkedIn post from Kevin Graham, social media manager at Manscaped. In his post, he breaks down the many responsibilities that go into social media management.

Consumer social media usage has been steadily rising over the past few years. More people are turning to social to communicate with and about businesses, creating new user generated content campaign opportunities within the channel. Coincidentally, this also creates more work for social media teams.

A quick search on any job board will reveal several

new titles that fall under the umbrella of social media management. Each of these new roles calls for their own social media skill set, whether that be account management, data and analytics, content creation or customer care.

This increase in departmental scope has created new paths for career advancement, helping social media managers claim more executive-level titles and higher salaries.

SMMs are speaking up about unfair expectations

Saying social has evolved over the past few years is like saying “water is wet” to a social media manager. Those working outside of social, however, may not share the same understanding.


This disconnect has led to several job postings that request a full team’s worth of work from a single person. It’s an outdated idea of what a social media manager can accomplish alone, even worse when it comes with an outdated salary.

Several established social media managers have taken to

frustrations about these mismatched expectations. To better understand the conversation at large, we used Sprout Social’s Advanced Listening tool to analyze Tweets sent on the topic from January 1, 2022, to August 17, 2022.

We found that since the start of 2022, 2,183 authors have driven over 430,000 engagements after speaking out about discrepancies between work and salary expectations for social media managers. This Tweet from @ChiThukral sums the conversation up well:


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